Handmade Watercolor
Unearthing ⊙ Natural ⊙ Focus
I hope one day, I will only paint from my own handmade paints, collected from the earth I’ve walked on.
I am passionate about color, especially earth color.
Have you ever wondered how paints are made? Or, where do pigments for painting come from? Natural pigments come from the land all over the world and synthetic pigments such as Prussian blue are artificially made by human.
Before experimenting at home, I took a class at Kremer Pigments to learn how to make my own watercolor paints.
Paint primarily made up of pigment and binder.
We can't paint with pigment. It needs a binder or medium to hold it in place on a surface. And, the type of binder will determine what the paint is called — watercolor, oil, acrylic, etc
Watercolor binder is made from gum arabic, honey and glycerin. Gum arabic is the binder, honey retain the moist and glycerin will minimize cracking of the paint.
On a glass palette or marble slab, the pigment is mixed with gum arabic solution and use a glass muller to evenly disperse those fine particles into the binder.
The mulling process differs from pigment to pigment. Some are easy, some require more patience.
The process is slow but therapeutic, and surprisingly pleasant.
I have made over 80 unique watercolor paints from pigments sourced from Kremer Pigments ⊙ Rublev Colors ⊙ Guerra Paint ⊙ Earth Pigments
I will attend an Earth Pigment Workshop by artist Stella Maria Baer and learn how to sift and grind collected sand and dirt into refined pigments at Santa Fe, New Mexico.
Updated: Attended workshop on March 2020
I will be able to make paints from the earth I’ve walked on and collected over the world.
Updated: And so it begins.